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Beech Hill Primary School



Please make sure that your child is dressed in correct school uniform. Children should have sensible shoes that they can walk and run in without any discomfort. Platform and high-heeled shoes are not permitted. During the winter months children will need a warm coat, hat and gloves.


Free uniform swap in Luton: https://www.leveltrust.org/

Boys Uniform

  • Grey trousers
  • White polo shirt
  • Royal Blue Jumper
  • Black shoes

Girls Uniform

  • Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers
  • White polo shirt
  • Royal Blue Jumper/cardigan
  • Black shoes

PE Kit

  • White T-shirt
  • Shorts/tracksuit
  • Plimsolls/trainers

Girls are permitted to wear a royal blue Shalwar Kameez and a royal blue headscarf. Long hair must be tied back with a blue hairband. All school uniform with the school emblem stitched on them is available from Bushra Fashions on Dunstable Road opposite the school.

You will be asked to purchase a book bag, as your child will be given books to take home and read with you. A gym bag, which is kept at school, will also be required for PE kit which should come in every Monday, remain in school all week and go home on Fridays for washing.

Please make sure that all clothing is labelled clearly with your child’s name and class.

Each child has a locker to store bags and coats. Please do not send large bags into school as they will not fit in the lockers.

No jewellery is to be worn at school. If your child has pierced ears, small studs can be worn. Hooped earrings are not acceptable as the earlobe can easily be ripped during a fall. Earrings must not be worn on days that your child has PE. Any child wearing earrings on a PE day will have to wear tape over the earrings for PE lessons. Any watches or other jewellery must be removed. The school will not accept responsibility for loss of any jewellery worn to school.

If your child mislays school clothing, a lost property box is located in school. Your child or a Family Worker will be able to show you where it is kept.