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Beech Hill Primary School


Celebration Assemblies are held every Friday for children and staff. These assemblies celebrate and recognise specific achievements made during that week.

Attendance Awards

For last week the certificates given out were;

Best Class Reception – Orange 98.6%

Best Class Year 1 & 2 –Spruce 97.1%

Best Class Year 3 & 4 – Chestnut 96.6%

Best Class Year 5 & 6 – Pine 96.6%

Unfortunately no classes achieved 100% attendance this week – will your class be next week’s winners?

You can help your class win one of these coveted certificates. It is easy: all you need to do is attend school every day.

Children with excellent attendance are eligible for a variety of awards. These include:

  • Weekly – The class with the best attendance in either Reception, Lower or Upper Phase receive a certificate and a trophy to display in their class for a week.
  • Termly – The class with the best attendance in either Lower or Upper Phase receive a trophy. Reception classes receive a teddy bear.
  • Termly – Each class with the best attendance in their year group receives a certificate.
  • Yearly – The class that has received the best attendance for the year receives a medal each.

We also acknowledge individual children with excellent attendance as follows:

  • Pupils with 98%+ attendance for the Autumn Term will receive a small gift.
  • Pupils with 98%+ attendance for the Autumn and Spring Term will get to watch a film and have popcorn together.
  • Pupils with 98%+ attendance for the whole year will be rewarded for this with an entertainer coming into school for a special show.
  • All pupils with over 98% attendance per term will also receive a certificate.

Best Classes for Autumn 2023 are:

Best Class YR Lime 92.4%

Best Class Y1 Aspen 96%

Best Class Y2 Hazel 95.7%

Best Class Y3 Hornbeam 95.8%

Best Class Y4 Elder 97%

Best Class Y5 Larch 96%

Best Class Y6  Whitebeam 95.6%

Attendance prizes are to be given out shortly for those children that received over 98% during September – December 2023.